HTML color name and code


Get HTML color name and code all in one place. White Colors Color Name HEX Color White   #FFFFFF   Snow   #FFFAFA   HoneyDew   #F0FFF0   MintCream   #F5FFFA   Azure   #F0FFFF   AliceBlue   #F0F8FF   GhostWhite   #F8F8FF   WhiteSmoke   #F5F5F5   SeaShell   #FFF5EE   Beige   #F5F5DC … Read more

YouTube keyboard shortcuts useful while watching videos

YouTube keyboard shortcuts

YouTube keyboard shortcuts will help you to easily navigate and control your video playback. There are several useful shortcuts you can use. Here is the list of keys that you can use on your keyboard for a better experience while watching YouTube videos. YouTube shortcut keys speed Make video speed slow:Press the Shift and ‘,’ … Read more

What is 1G, 2G, 3G, 4G and 5G?

1G, 2G, 3G, 4G and 5G

3G, and 4G has faster data speed compared to 2G. 5G has the fastest speed and is also in the market. For voice calls only, 2G is enough but in case you prefer using data on mobile, then you can use 4G. 3G can also handle data but speed is slow as compared to 4G. … Read more

Website or app which is better

website designing concept

If you wish to rank your website in search engines like Google then a website or web application is the best choice. Ranking in Google means free advertising for sales etc. If you wish to provide offline content like games etc then the app will be better. Please keep in mind that your website or … Read more

Top news websites in Nepal

Top news websites in Nepal

Ekantipur.comKantipur which was first published on 7th Falgun 2049 B.S. (18 February 1993) along with its sister publication The Kathmandu Post. is one of the top news websites in Nepal. It is run by Kantipur Publications Pvt. Ltd. located at Central Business Park, Thapathali, Kathmandu, Nepal. It provides national and international news to its … Read more

Top Nepali apps

Top Nepali apps

Here are the list of Top Nepali apps Esewa Esewa is a popular digital wallet in Nepal. We can recharge our mobile balance, pay utility bills, ticket bookings, and educational fees, book a flight, send money, insurance payments, and many more. You can send/receive payment and also transfer your wallet money to your bank account. … Read more

Cost of running an e-commerce website

Cost of Running e-commerce website

Our lifestyle and buying behavior are changing day by day and because of it, new business ideas are doing well. The E-commerce business is a hot cake in the market. Doing business needs a big investment but you can do big business with a small investment using technology. Here we’ll discuss on cost of running … Read more

Ecommerce website design in Nepal


If you’re thinking of going online then there is a huge possibility in the ecommerce sector of Nepal. E-commerce is still growing and there are very few reputed brands. So there is a high opportunity if you have a good business plan or satisfied customers. We have worked for a few clients and according to … Read more

Website making charge in Nepal in 2024

website designing

A website-making charge is not so expensive in Nepal as compared to developed countries. Cost depends upon the features you wish to add to the website and the technologies you use. Normally it starts from 5-6 thousand to 1 lakh above. A website can be categorized into three parts according to functions: i) Static website … Read more

What is organic traffic to a website ?

organic traffic

There are different ways to get traffic to your website. Among them paid and organic traffic is also popular. Paid traffic means you spend money to get traffic and organic means you get traffic without spending money. Website visitors coming from a search engine’s organic results and not from paid ads are called organic traffic … Read more