Ecommerce website

Our IT company offers E-commerce website designing and development services. It’s like giving your online store a makeover!

We have two options for you:

Opensource Service: We use open-source platforms, such as wordpress, operncart.

Customized Service: If you want something tailor-made, we’ve got you covered. We create a website from source code, just the way you want it. It’s like having a website designed specifically for your brand – unique and totally you!

An E-commerce website is like an online store where you can buy and sell things. It’s like a virtual marketplace on the internet. Instead of going to a physical store, you can browse products, pick what you want, and make purchases right from your computer or phone. It’s a convenient way to shop without leaving your home!

Global Reach: Reach customers from all around the world. Your store is accessible to anyone with an internet connection.

24/7 Availability: Unlike physical stores, your online store is open all the time. Customers can shop at any hour that suits them.

Convenience: Shoppers can browse and buy from the comfort of their homes. No need to travel or wait in lines.

Cost-Effective: Operating an online store can be more affordable than maintaining a physical storefront. You save on rent, utilities, and other overhead costs.

Easy Comparison: Shoppers can easily compare prices, features, and reviews of products, helping them make informed decisions.

Targeted Marketing: With data analytics, you can personalize marketing strategies, offering products based on customer preferences and behavior.

Increased Sales Potential: The online marketplace allows you to reach a larger audience, potentially increasing sales opportunities.

Customer Insights: E-commerce platforms provide valuable data about customer behavior, helping you understand preferences and tailor your offerings accordingly.

Flexibility: Easily update product information, prices, and promotions without the constraints of traditional print materials.

Integration with Social Media: Connect your E-commerce site with social media platforms to reach a wider audience and facilitate social sharing.

Quick Transactions: Online payments make transactions faster and more efficient, benefiting both customers and businesses.

Access to Customer Reviews: Customers can read and leave reviews, fostering transparency and building trust in your products or services.

Scalability: It’s easier to scale your business operations with an E-commerce site, accommodating growth without major infrastructure changes.

Reduced Time and Energy: Both customers and businesses save time and energy with online transactions, making the shopping process more streamlined.

Environmental Impact: E-commerce can be more eco-friendly than traditional retail, reducing the need for physical infrastructure and transportation.


The E-commerce industry is expanding every day. In numerous niches, there isn’t much competition yet, presenting significant growth opportunities.

C2B stands for “Consumer to Business,” and it’s a type of online commerce where regular folks like you and me sell products or offer services to businesses. Here’s an example:

Imagine you love making cool designs, and you create unique T-shirt designs at home. Instead of waiting for a big company to hire you, you decide to sell your designs online.

You set up a little online shop and showcase your T-shirt designs. Now, businesses, like local stores or even bigger companies, come across your designs and love them. They decide to buy your T-shirts to sell in their stores.

In this scenario:

You (the consumer) are selling your T-shirt designs.
Businesses (the companies) are buying those designs from you.
That’s a simple example of C2B E-commerce – everyday people becoming sellers and offering their products or services to businesses through the magic of the internet. Cool, right?

“B2B E-commerce” stands for “Business to Business Electronic Commerce.” Imagine you have a shop that sells office supplies – pens, papers, and all that good stuff. Now, instead of selling these items to regular people, you decide to sell them to other businesses.

So, if a big company needs a bulk order of pens for all its employees, they can hop onto your online store, place a large order, and you ship it directly to their office.

In B2B E-commerce:

Businesses are the customers: They buy things they need for their own business operations.

Other businesses are the sellers: They provide products or services to meet the needs of those businesses.

It’s like a big online marketplace, but instead of selling to individual shoppers, it’s businesses helping each other out. That’s B2B E-commerce where businesses do their shopping electronically!

“B2C E-commerce” means “Business to Consumer Electronic Commerce.”

Imagine you have a store that sells sneakers. Now, instead of selling those sneakers to other businesses, you’re selling them directly to people who want a pair of shoes.

So, if someone sees your awesome sneakers online, likes them, and decides to buy a pair, that’s B2C E-commerce in action.

In B2C E-commerce:

Businesses are the sellers: They’re the ones offering products or services.

People are the customers: Regular folks like us who buy these products for personal use.

It’s like when you do your online shopping for clothes, gadgets, or anything else – that’s B2C E-commerce, where businesses are selling stuff directly to us, the consumers. Cool, right?

According to whois data was registered on 2000-02-11, which might be the first e-commerce company in Nepal.

It depends upon your requirements normally 15 thousand to 1.5 lakhs and above.