Ecommerce product upload services

Ever felt overwhelmed trying to put your products online? Fear not! Our IT company has a nifty service called “E-commerce Product Upload.”

Picture this: You’ve got fantastic stuff to sell, but getting it all online can be a bit tricky. That’s where we step in. Our E-commerce Product Upload service is like having a tech-savvy friend who takes care of putting your products on your online store.

We make sure all the details are just right – from catchy product descriptions to eye-catching images. You focus on your awesome products, and we handle the online magic.

No more stress about how to showcase your goodies to the world. With our service, your products will be strutting their stuff online in no time. Let us do the heavy lifting while you enjoy the sweet success of your online store!

Package 1 – upload product

In this package, we will upload the product photo, product title, and description exactly as you provide them. We’ll upload it as it is.

Price – Rs. 100 per product upload
Package 1 + photo cropping (resize) – Rs. 150 per product upload
Package 1 + cropping + basic writing on photo – Rs. 200 per product upload
Package 1 + cropping + basic writing on photo + color balance – Rs. 250 per product upload
Package 1 + editing + designing – Rs. 750 per product upload

Package 2 – upload product with keywords analysis

With this package, we’ll optimize your content, including product titles and descriptions, to be SEO-friendly. Before assigning a product title, we’ll analyze search trends, volume, and competition. Our goal is to enhance the content to increase its chances of appearing at the top of search results. We’ll strive to make your products stand out and shine online!

Price – depends upon your requirement

Package 3 – full service


  • Photography
  • Image editing
  • Keyword analysis for title and description
  • Content writing
  • Competition analysis

This package is a complete service for putting your products online. Just give us your products for a photoshoot and a catalog (including a short product description if similar products aren’t already online). We’ll upload the products and use keywords to make them easy for customers to find. Plus, we’ll work on getting your products to show up in Google searches. It’s a hassle-free way to get your products out there!

Price – depends upon your requirement