Website making charge in Nepal in 2023

A website-making charge is not so expensive in Nepal as compared to developed countries. Cost depends upon the features you wish to add to the website and the technologies you use. Normally it starts from 5-6 thousand to 1 lakh above.

A website can be categorized into three parts according to functions:

i) Static website – normally starts from 7 thousand to 35 thousand depending upon the design.
ii) Dynamic/CMS website – CMS stands for content management website. On the CMS website, you can edit the content of the website on your own. Normally, it starts from 15 thousand to 1 lakh above
iii) Web applications – This type of website has special functions and is made to perform certain types of tasks. For example membership websites, social networking, food delivery, blood bank websites etc. The cost will be below and above 50 thousand depending upon the functions of the site.
A website can be categorized into two parts according to the web development process:

i) Opensource – Opensource is free to use. There are many open-source technologies. In web development also there are many opensource technologies used like Drupal, Joomla, FuelCMS, Grocery CRUD, Concrete5, WordPress and many more. These days WordPress is popular in opensource website CMS. The cost of website setup depends upon content and requirements for customization or plugins etc. Normally WordPress starts from 15 thousand to 60 thousand as mentioned above.

ii) Customized – Customized websites are made from scratch with source code and design. Customized websites are more flexible for modifications and secure but more costly than opensource. Cost starts above 60 thousand to 1 lakh above.

Website making charge in Nepal in 2022 is not so high as compared to past years. Because of opensource technologies simple website designing cost is low but the cost will go slightly up for customization and web applications.

How to keep Website making charges low?

Sometimes unnecessary or useless features make your website making the cost high. First, you should be clear about your requirements and you should be clear to your project manager (web designer/developer). If you’re not sure about your requirement then you can do some Google search. It will be easy if you give some example sites to your project manager.